Funny Cat Rocks

Sticky Tape - Simon's Cat

The idea behind these is to avoid your cat bringing home gifts and presents, especially ones that are still alive!! In the main these devices are ineffective and its usually best to remove them so there s less to get caught up in bushes and fences. If you have an indoor cat that you d like to introduce to the great outdoors, try buying a cat harness and attach a leash. 

Make the introduction, slowly, bit by bit, it is a good idea to let your existing cat sniff your new kitten's blanket a few times before they actually meet. Make the initial periods of contact short. Gradually increase the time that they spend together as they get used to one another. It is not unusual for there to be a few spats in these first meetings, so do not leave them alone together until they get on. 

Female cats have many heat periods over a year, and each heat period can last around 6 days if a male mates with her, but if she is not mated, then the period of heat will last longer and will recur regluarly (This is known as 'polyestrous'). She can give birth to an average 3 kittens 3 times a year and being 'superfecund' meaning that each of the kittens in her litter can belong to a different father each! 

Use soft, gentle strokes while brushing. This should make them purr in pleasure and you will have an easier job of grooming your pet cat. After brushing the coat with a comb, you can finish the job by wiping the fur with a dry, soft and clean piece of cloth. This should maintain the shine on your cat s coat. 

But most times the owner will have to change to fit in with the cat. Every one in your house, should agree with what you are going to allow the cat to do. Do not change the rules when you ve decided them, as this can cause difficulties. If your cat trusts you, it will probably do what you want, so speak in a calm tone. 

For example an aggressive cat can easily prevent the other shyer cats from getting enough food. It is also harder to know just how much food the cat is eating so you may not realize if he is eating less than he normally does. This is an important sign that he s not feeling well and it can be a serious problem then.