Funny Cat Rocks

The OMG Cat

They also do it because they are working the kinks out of their body as well as burning some energy. Before you head off to have him de clawed, you may want to try out some of the alternative methods of preventing the scratching. Alternatives One way is to provide them with scratching pads or posts. There are a wide variety of them available including those that are part of a cat condo. 

Female cats have many heat periods over a year, and each heat period can last around 6 days if a male mates with her, but if she is not mated, then the period of heat will last longer and will recur regluarly (This is known as 'polyestrous'). She can give birth to an average 3 kittens 3 times a year and being 'superfecund' meaning that each of the kittens in her litter can belong to a different father each! 

As cats age, there's a gradual decline in the body's ability to repair itself, maintain normal body functions and adapt to stresses in the environment. Disease and weight changes are common throughout the senior lifestage. Cats are more likely to face weight gain during the mature years when activity level declines and metabolism slows. 

There are other popular cat registries including the Traditional Cat Association, which supports original breed standards and does not uphold current trends that exaggerate breed characteristics, the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy, which is the United Kingdom's cat registry, and the F d ration Internationale F line, which is the European cat registry. 

Those who want preventative measures for keeping the cat safe should use these. For most though, it takes seeing the fleas to get them to start fighting them. If you see tiny black or brown insects on your animal, these are no doubt that your cat is flea infested. If you do see them, realize that the problem is already a big problem. 

Then there is the slide through adjustable kind. This is a more secure way of fastening but it s also more difficult to adjust, especially if you have a cat that doesn t like having a collar on. Most cat collars come with an elasticated or a breakaway section. This is a safety feature that allows your cat to escape the collar if it becomes stuck on bushes or fences.